A sorry tale

Gillian Peanuts was really overheating

on a summer's evening.

He let out a curse

when his trousers burst

and then again

when his armchair collapsed.

Mittens the raccoon

I was quietly watching

the inside of a huge bubble

which had formed beneath

my elongated and proud faced

raccoon, the one I had named Mittens

the Racoon,

when all of a sudden

a tractor appeared.


Fruitbats Fruitbats!

on a Bunsen burner,

licking all the metal bits,

getting high on gas fumes.

Fruitbats Fruitbats!

in a Cornish pasty

eating the potato segments,

banging on the pastry.

Fruitbats Fruitbats!

living by a toaster,

snorting up the bread crumbs,

longing for some croissants.

Martin Mishall

Big Chief Little Teats,

a beautiful native Indian man,

who fed the ducks at Luton Airport,

and lived alone in a pile of suitcases,


No one knew where he kept the duck food

so the ducks died too,

apart from one, called Martin Mishall

who attended the Teats funeral and performed a song 

until, like the trousers of Gillian Peanuts, 

he burst. 

Feathers, feathers everywhere.

Trevor Thickett
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